The Tame Peacocks take 25 feedings to Retire, (Turn Golden), and the Wild Peacocks only take 15 feedings.
This is in a Hennery

OK, Below are the results of Slavy's TAME PEACOCK Experiment on LAND. There are TWO types of PEACOCKS in Klondike, the Tame and the Wild. And there are advantages to each. THIS is done with the tame ones. 500 were put out with 500 Feed boxes(each feeds 7 birds and costs 10,000). These retire after 25 Feeds. Each FEED is one hour. After one hour, they have used up 70 feed boxes for a cost of 70,000 Coins. SO, it will take a total of 17,000,000 COINS to raise them through Retirement. The total coins gained in INDIGO SETS is 89,600,000.
THAT is a profit of 72,100,000 COINS in just 2 days!
The general contention is that the WILD Peacocks give the most profit for the money and the time invested. You can only hatch WILD Peacocks with the TREE you get for clearing Aery.
And, since they "retire" in only 15 hours, it is best to grow them on HOME STATION anyway so you can keep an eye on them!